An out-of-the-box thinker and a results-oriented specialist, Mirela Solomon is highly regarded for orchestrating integrated communication campaigns that effectively engage consumers in immersive brand experiences in business-to-consumer projects. She has currently enrolled in a new entrepreneurial project, Amaze, an interdisciplinary space providing concept & tools for content creators and podcasters.
''The advice I would give to myself and to other women also: be united to be more powerful. Find your tribe and create an impact!''
My first real passion has always been for exotic cultures and this made me develop an urge to enrol in (the only existing ) an intensive learning class of Japanese in Bucharest. At that moment, I was confident that my future career would be related to the Japanese culture, based on the assumption that all that intensive preparation (about 15 hours a week spent studying culture, calligraphy and language) was going to propel me to live in Japan (once my studies had been finished).
As life happens, things took a turn and I got admitted to the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations from the National School of Political and Administrative Studies. In fact, advertising was my second biggest passion and at that time I decided to take a shot in this domain and start a self made path.

Interacting from an early age with the events and the BTL field gave me the opportunity to have a very practical perspective of the industry at that time and, also, put me in contact with important brands and international PR/marketing agencies that needed project-based collaborators for their experiential marketing campaigns. Was I the right person for them? You bet I was! At the beginning, I wasn’t even sure of the whys, but now I know it must’ve been the fabulous results I wasn’t ready to correctly perceive yet at that point in my career. So… lesson number one: be modest, but know your value!
Here’s another story about this lesson: I believe the entrepreneurial journey chose me, not the other way around as my first entrepreneurial encounters pushed me into managing various national advertising campaigns. Even though they were a challenge for me, they were very successful and this encouraged me to launch what I can call “my first boutique agency”. Even though the start was rather shy, I found in this experience a lot of satisfaction and a huge desire to continue this self - learning journey , which I embraced passionately.
Motivated by my early achievements, when the pandemic started I made a switch to the wonderful world of content marketing. Building on the expertise gained in my entire advertising career, we started developing a streamlined video production solution. And this is how Amaze was born - Bucharest’s premier shared digital content creation studio, a space where individuals and businesses can come and share their stories. Facilitated by leading industry experts, Amaze is a content and communication concept offering our clients a high quality digital space to create customer centric content. Enriching the consumer experience with interesting, high quality content has become the mandate of the premier social media platforms around the world. This has altered the way businesses and influencers are required to use these platforms, from a marketing standpoint, if they wish to be successful. This is where Amaze gets in. The project was designed as a turn-key facility for streamlined content production in a multifaceted setting.
''Lesson number one: be modest, but know your value!''
Years later after starting my own project, I discovered that the well-being field was something that really interested me since it entails so much more than happiness and quality of life. Associating the concept with the development of one’s potential, having control over one’s life, having a sense of purpose, I started reading hundreds of books on psychology and how the human brain works.
I began the well-being journey because I myself had to overcome the challenges of loosing my work-life balance due to working in the consumer experience field which required 24/ 7 dedication. My youth and my enthusiasm made me unaware of the fact that we also need equilibrium, if we want to be successful. Having to win the race is nice and everything, but life is a marathon and not a speed competition, so you should doze the energy for keeping you up for the long run – my second essential lesson learned.
The burnout I had to overcome after over 7 years of intensive work, was one of the most dramatic / most painful challenges of my life, but also one of the most valuable experiences forcing me to create the premises of what my next life chapter would be. I took a break from everything and started investing in discovering my authentic self because I wanted to know what the true meaning of a healthy motivation was - I wanted to discover what could make me feel a fulfilled person and how I could create an impact on other people 's lives.
I thus set a new goal for myself - creating a look-alike / feel-alike community of people that have the same urge for self-actualization, for reaching one’s unique potential. This is why I created a series of video interviews for ever-growing minds, with the goal to generate curated content on subjects such as well-being & health in order to raise awareness on the importance of having a balanced, conscious life and inspire others who long for authentic happiness. This well-being media hub stands on 4 major pillars: emotion, growth, belonging and social wellbeing and will be launched this spring.
Self - actualization & togetherness. I believe that no (wo)man is an island and that being connected with like-minded people can create the most important objective we should have: creating a society of happy, serene human beings. Being united in communities of people that are dedicated to growth and change is the most impactful thing we could do. This is the advice I would give to myself and to other women also: be united to be more powerful. Find your tribe and create an impact!
The path to my authentic self made me discover that my core values aim for more inner aspects like freedom, autonomy and overall an eudemonic philosophy rather than hedonism, and this discovery influenced a lot my personal style. Consequently, I made lots of decisions on cutting down the unnecessary from my life and also many decluttering sessions in order to achieve my goal of reaching a minimalist lifestyle.
What I now consider a statement of elegance and femininity, namely the timeless powder pink Triangle dress. Since I believe that the well-being state can be reached by being in contact with your femininity, discovering DALB has made me feel like my two forever-passions have merged into one, because of how garments can contribute to your self-confidence and femininity in the same time.